08:45 - Mom woke me announcing she's going out with her friend.
08:46 - I fell alsleep again.
10:00 - I woke up, this time by myself.
10:05 - Made myself a coffee and lit up a cigarette.
10:10 - Made myself some oatmeal for breakfast.
10:20 - I was either painting or just pottering around.
11:00 - I looked up the bus, I'm gonna meet my girfriend today. I consulted the buses with her.
11:30 - I was finishing my painting.
12:00 - Mom came back. She brought food, yay!

12:20 - I gave it up.
12:30 - Took a shower.
13:00 - Mom made a lunch - spaghetti with cheese sauce, yummy!
13:30 - Prepaired myself for the date.
14:20 - Got on a bus
14:55 - Got off a bus. Tried to kill my time in a supermarket.
16:10 - My girlfriend's train arrived
16:20 - We came to a teahouse and had milkshakes.
17:00 - We got out and gone astray in a 25K town.
17:30 - We came to the bar we always go to and got Virgin coladas. Heaven.
17:45 - Some guy S. met once before came to sit with us. He was kinda cool.
18:10 - We left and went to a station to buy the tickets.
18:20 - Walked around the place, enjoyed our time a little (If you know what I mean, hehe)
19:15 - I left home by a bus. Poor S., her train was coming in almost an hour.
20:00 - Came home and had a dinner.
20:30 - I'm writing this.
21:00 - I just had a very cool half an hour long phone call with my friend.
Now I have to pack my stuff because tomorrow I'm going to a hospital. I have a hernia operation on Monday. Wish me luck please...
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